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Desensitize hyperawareness 

How to stop being hyperaware of everything

If you are suffering from hyperawareness, this technique is for you.


Do you walk around paying attention to every little detail, noticing if people are looking at you or what they are doing? Are you anticipating things that could go wrong so your constantly checking you and what is around you. Anticipating being attacked, slipping or having  something fall in you as walk underneath cover?


Perhaps you are looking around to avoid anything that may potentially be contaminated like used plasters or cigarette ends so it doesn't kick off that feeling of anxiety and the "what if" imagined story in your mind of all the things that could potentially happen.


Well this simple but very effective walking meditation is a wonderful tool to desensitize the hypervigilant mind to let go of surrounding and just accept. It allows the brain to recalibrate to a new calmer state of mind where what is happening around you is just happening around you. 


Give it a go, you may be surprised at just how effective it can be if practiced regularly!

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