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Frequently Asked Questions

Your view on what OCD is seems to be is different from the mainstream idea, can you explain the different conclusion?


The official definition of OCD is - “Overview. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic, and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts ("obsessions") and/or behaviors ("compulsions") that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over.” Like most things in modern medicine and psychology there is an emphasis on treating symptoms and I can't help but see this definition as a list of symptoms as well.


However from my experience there are patterns that have become evident over and over which you can read about in the relevant pages of this site. These patterns all seem to lead to the cause of anxiety and OCD and once the causes are addressed the symptoms of the condition reduce and often disappear completely. 


I was told that OCD is genetic and can only be managed by drugs as it is a chemical imbalance, what's your opinion?


I am not a doctor or a biologist so I can't say what is happening in the body related to OCD. What I can tell you is my experience. Myself and many others have completely recovered from OCD suggesting that it seems to be a behavioral condition rather than a genetic one. Maybe the genetics of the body actually changes as well, I don't know, but I find the subject of 'epi genetics' fascinating.


Can sessions be delivered in my own home?


I do offer this service but mainly for people with agoraphobia or disabilities. If your anxiety is so overwhelming that you can't make it to my office I may do a session or two with you at home but would need to be paid for my travel time. helping you become able to get to me is a big step in the right direction on the road to recovery.


What if my thoughts and behaviors are embarrassing?


I understand that these things can be difficult to talk about, perhaps they are thoughts of a sexual nature, or unusual fantasies, perhaps deep insecurities or bodily functions. There is no judgment when it comes to our sessions, I am here to listen, support and help facilitate change, that is all. I suffered with OCD for a large part of my life so have experienced many of my own embarrassing thoughts and behaviors. 


Can you work with me in places that make me feel fearful?


Yes, we can work together in places like cars, trains, restaurants, cafes, crowded areas, shopping centres. Anywhere that has previously been overwhelming. These sessions need to be longer than usual but can be excellent at putting all of the new found knowledge into action and often become transformative experiences.


Do you take insurance referrals?


No, I only take clients who are responsible for their own payment and recovery.


How many sessions will I need?


This can vary for each individual, it can depend on how long you have been living with OCD and how deep routed and severe it is. However most people can make significant improvements from about the 5th sessions onwards. Session frequency begins weekly but once big changes are beginning to show the frequency can decrease depending on finances. 



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